McPhy Energy takes FID for electrolyzer Gigafactory in Belfort

McPhy Energy has announced the final investment decision (FID) for its Gigafactory of alkaline electrolyzers on the Belfort site in France, taken by its Board of Directors on 26 October. Commissioning is scheduled for the first half of 2024, with a gradual ramp-up to reach an annual production capacity of 1 GW.

The future plant in Belfort will host new developments and production of the large electrolyzers in the ‘Augmented McLyzer’ range, a real technological breakthrough, enabling architectures of 20 MW, 100 MW and beyond (GW) to be equipped with an output pressure of 30 bar. This large-scale R&D and industrialization effort will provide the industry with equipment capable of producing hydrogen from renewable energies at a cost that is competitive compared to alternatives using carbon energy.

Belfort’s location at the crossroads of many European countries, with a genuine research and development ecosystem dedicated to innovation and hydrogen, will foster the multiplication of potential industrial and commercial partnerships.

Jean-Baptiste Lucas, CEO of McPhy, said: “We are very pleased with the decision of our Board of Directors, which is a positive conclusion to the various favorable notices we have recently received about our Gigafactory project. This Gigafactory will be a decisive tool in the development and design of large-scale electrolyzers, which are essential for the use of green hydrogen in ambitious decarbonization projects for industry and heavy mobility. We will soon have an industrial set-up capable of mass-producing a wide range of electrolyzers on a continental scale, that is unmatched by any other player in decarbonized electrolysis in Europe.”

The FID was followed by the signing with Bpifrance of the contract on the state aid by the French government, up to 114 million euros for the Gigafactory within the framework of the IPCEI (Important Project of Common European Interest) scheme.

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