Enapter simplifies green H2 production with one-size-fits-all electrolyser

Enapter is launching the first standardised electrolyser suitable for mass production. In doing so, it seeks to boost the green hydrogen market by mirroring the success seen with the commodification, rapid uptake and cost reductions of standardised solar modules.

The AEM Electrolyser EL 4.0 is a one-size-fits-all solution for green hydrogen production. As Enapter‘s fourth-generation AEM (anion-exchange membrane) electrolyser, it is smaller, lighter and ISO 22734 certifiable. The AEM technology combines the benefits of alkaline electrolysers’ low-cost materials (steel instead of titanium) with the flexibility and compact size of PEM electrolysers. The standardised modules can be stacked and combined for projects of any size – all the way to the megawatt scale. The EL 4.0’s simple plug-&-play integration significantly shortens the installation time.

Fundamentally change

“The next milestone on our mission: replacing fossil fuels with green hydrogen”, said Sebastian-Justus Schmidt, co-founder and CEO of Enapter. “The EL 4.0 will become a building block for system integrators, letting them rapidly deploy hydrogen production and enact the market ramp-up the world needs. We are sure that the future mass production of these AEM electrolysers will fundamentally change the production of green hydrogen.”

Enapter Campus

Series production of the new electrolysers is currently taking place at Enapter’s site in Pisa, Italy. First deliveries to integrators are planned for the summer. Mass production (> 10.000 AEM EL 4.0 modules per month) is scheduled to begin incrementally from 2023 onwards at the Enapter Campus, currently under construction in Saerbeck, Germany. 

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